NEC told: ‘If you don’t vote Labour, you’re giving a vote to the Tories’

In her report to UNISON’s national executive council meeting today, general secretary Christina McAnea thanked those who helped campaigning for the local elections earlier in May.

And speaking less than 24 hours after Rishi Sunak called a general election she noted that, in England and Wales on 4 July, “if you don’t vote Labour, you’re giving a vote to the Tories. We want to see as many Labour MPs returned as possible”.

“We have seen, as trade unionists, the result of 14 years of the Tories,” she said, adding that the Conservative government is taking “the British people for fools”, after the prime minister had claimed falling inflation as a victory for Conservative policy, ignoring the fact that that doesn’t mean that prices are not still rising.

“The cost of living is still the main issue” on doorsteps, said Ms McAnea and reiterated that “the choice is between Labour and the Tories”.

Addressing concerns around stories that Labour was back-peddling on the New Deal for Working People, she said that discussions were taking place “almost weekly” between unions and the party and that that was not the case.

Ms McAnea noted that this was down to Conservative-supporting media spinning stories about the New Deal just before the 2 May elections.

On the Middle East, the general secretary also told the meeting that UNISON was in discussion with international unions to support the people of Gaza and trade unions in Palestine.

“I recently met with Husam Zomlot, Palestinian ambassador to the UK,” she said. “I assured him of UNISON’s ongoing support for justice for Palestinians and for peace in the region, as well as the fundraising efforts of our branches to get aid to the people of Gaza.”

The council also received a report from the president, Libby Nolan, which included her attendance at regional AGMs, including that in the North West, where she told members that action in the region taken by branches as part of the union’s Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign “has been successful and has helped to galvanise activity in many other parts of the country”.

Ms Nolan said that she was continuing to “represent UNISON at the national demonstrations organised by PSC (Palestine Solidarity Campaign).

She noted that last Saturday’s demonstration was on the week of the 76th anniversary of the Nakba – the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

“It was a great honour to speak on the 76th anniversary to commemorate the devastating events of the Nakba and demand an end to all the atrocities of the last seven months.”

The meeting also heard about and discussed:

  • arrangements for national delegate conference in Brighton in June
  • arrangements for the political fund ballot
  • increases in membership, together with improving retention of members.

Check the website and Activist digital over the next six weeks for more guidance over the general election.

The article NEC told: ‘If you don’t vote Labour, you’re giving a vote to the Tories’ first appeared on the UNISON National site.

NEC told: ‘If you don’t vote Labour, you’re giving a vote to the Tories’

In her report to UNISON’s national executive council meeting today, general secretary Christina McAnea thanked those who helped campaigning for the local elections earlier in May.

And speaking less than 24 hours after Rishi Sunak called a general election she noted that, in England and Wales on 4 July, “if you don’t vote Labour, you’re giving a vote to the Tories. We want to see as many Labour MPs returned as possible”.

“We have seen, as trade unionists, the result of 14 years of the Tories,” she said, adding that the Conservative government is taking “the British people for fools”, after the prime minister had claimed falling inflation as a victory for Conservative policy, ignoring the fact that that doesn’t mean that prices are not still rising.

“The cost of living is still the main issue” on doorsteps, said Ms McAnea and reiterated that “the choice is between Labour and the Tories”.

Addressing concerns around stories that Labour was back-peddling on the New Deal for Working People, she said that discussions were taking place “almost weekly” between unions and the party and that that was not the case.

Ms McAnea noted that this was down to Conservative-supporting media spinning stories about the New Deal just before the 2 May elections.

On the Middle East, the general secretary also told the meeting that UNISON was in discussion with international unions to support the people of Gaza and trade unions in Palestine.

“I recently met with Husam Zomlot, Palestinian ambassador to the UK,” she said. “I assured him of UNISON’s ongoing support for justice for Palestinians and for peace in the region, as well as the fundraising efforts of our branches to get aid to the people of Gaza.”

The council also received a report from the president, Libby Nolan, which included her attendance at regional AGMs, including that in the North West, where she told members that action in the region taken by branches as part of the union’s Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign “has been successful and has helped to galvanise activity in many other parts of the country”.

Ms Nolan said that she was continuing to “represent UNISON at the national demonstrations organised by PSC (Palestine Solidarity Campaign).

She noted that last Saturday’s demonstration was on the week of the 76th anniversary of the Nakba – the mass displacement and dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war.

“It was a great honour to speak on the 76th anniversary to commemorate the devastating events of the Nakba and demand an end to all the atrocities of the last seven months.”

The meeting also heard about and discussed:

  • arrangements for national delegate conference in Brighton in June
  • arrangements for the political fund ballot
  • increases in membership, together with improving retention of members.

Check the website and Activist digital over the next six weeks for more guidance over the general election.

The article NEC told: ‘If you don’t vote Labour, you’re giving a vote to the Tories’ first appeared on the UNISON National site.

NEC hears of another Supreme Court win for UNISON

UNISON’s national executive council, meeting yesterday, heard that the union had just won the case of Fiona Mercer in the Supreme Court. General secretary Christina McAnea said that it means that, “today, the court has agreed that the (UK) law is incompatible with international law, because it does not protect workers from ongoing victimisation by employers if they have taken legal industrial action”.

The case had been won in the employment appeal tribunal, but the then business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng intervened and took the case to the Court of Appeal, which subsequently decided to reverse that decision in March 2022.

Now, Ms McAnea said, that had been overturned in a judgement that was scathing of the UK government.

In her report to the meeting, the general secretary noted that it has continued to support the organisations campaigning on Palestine.

“We had a really brilliant presentation at health conference from Richard Pyle from Medical Aid for Palestinians, who spoke very movingly but very honestly about the reality of what it’s like for people working on the ground in Palestine,” she said.

“The union is also in talks with the Palestinian Embassy about what we can do, practically, to help on the ground in Gaza.”

Continuing to push on with the union’s campaign for a national care service, she stressed that the Labour Party is “on side” and has assured the union that this, and the commitment to a Fair Pay agreement for care workers, is high on their agenda.

And she told the meeting that she had attended the United Nations (UN) as part of the Public Services International delegation, to speak on the issue of care.

After the Dudley Mitie strikers won their fight to be paid the government’s promised COVID bonus for all health service staff, Ms McAnea spoke of the continuing campaign to get “that money across the board” for all those working in the health service, but employed by private contractors.

Speaking of the problems across local government, with many authorities facing the possibility of going bust, the general secretary said she is raising this with the Labour Party. She emphasised that unless they tackle this issue one of the first problems they will face in government is the collapse of many local authorities.

She also talked of the problem of rising violence in schools and said that UNISON will be looking to create a “huge campaign” on this, as it is becoming an “increasing issue”. This is particularly because it’s almost always UNISON members – support staff – who bear the brunt of violence in school settings.

Ms McAnea also welcomed the signing of the union’s Ethical Care Charter with the council in Lambeth.

The meeting also passed a report from the presidential team, with UNISON president Libby Nolan saying that she and vice-president Julia Mwaluke had attended women’s conference in February, where she herself had spoken of “the societal damage by this Tory government” and its profound “impact on service for women and children.

“In the fifth richest country in the world, the UN is expressing concern that children in this country are experiencing unprecedented levels of poverty and hunger.”

The report also spoke of the ongoing crisis in Gaza, noting that the UN has called the situation “a war against women and children”.

The meeting discussed the arrangements for national delegate conference in June – in particular, the council’s own provisional policy on motions and proposed amendments, together with proposed rule changes to the unions annual parliament.

The council also received reports on organising – highlighting good recruitment and retention figures – service group pay campaigns and national industrial action.

The article NEC hears of another Supreme Court win for UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.

NEC hears of another Supreme Court win for UNISON

UNISON’s national executive council, meeting yesterday, heard that the union had just won the case of Fiona Mercer in the Supreme Court. General secretary Christina McAnea said that it means that, “today, the court has agreed that the (UK) law is incompatible with international law, because it does not protect workers from ongoing victimisation by employers if they have taken legal industrial action”.

The case had been won in the employment appeal tribunal, but the then business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng intervened and took the case to the Court of Appeal, which subsequently decided to reverse that decision in March 2022.

Now, Ms McAnea said, that had been overturned in a judgement that was scathing of the UK government.

In her report to the meeting, the general secretary noted that it has continued to support the organisations campaigning on Palestine.

“We had a really brilliant presentation at health conference from Richard Pyle from Medical Aid for Palestinians, who spoke very movingly but very honestly about the reality of what it’s like for people working on the ground in Palestine,” she said.

“The union is also in talks with the Palestinian Embassy about what we can do, practically, to help on the ground in Gaza.”

Continuing to push on with the union’s campaign for a national care service, she stressed that the Labour Party is “on side” and has assured the union that this, and the commitment to a Fair Pay agreement for care workers, is high on their agenda.

And she told the meeting that she had attended the United Nations (UN) as part of the Public Services International delegation, to speak on the issue of care.

After the Dudley Mitie strikers won their fight to be paid the government’s promised COVID bonus for all health service staff, Ms McAnea spoke of the continuing campaign to get “that money across the board” for all those working in the health service, but employed by private contractors.

Speaking of the problems across local government, with many authorities facing the possibility of going bust, the general secretary said she is raising this with the Labour Party. She emphasised that unless they tackle this issue one of the first problems they will face in government is the collapse of many local authorities.

She also talked of the problem of rising violence in schools and said that UNISON will be looking to create a “huge campaign” on this, as it is becoming an “increasing issue”. This is particularly because it’s almost always UNISON members – support staff – who bear the brunt of violence in school settings.

Ms McAnea also welcomed the signing of the union’s Ethical Care Charter with the council in Lambeth.

The meeting also passed a report from the presidential team, with UNISON president Libby Nolan saying that she and vice-president Julia Mwaluke had attended women’s conference in February, where she herself had spoken of “the societal damage by this Tory government” and its profound “impact on service for women and children.

“In the fifth richest country in the world, the UN is expressing concern that children in this country are experiencing unprecedented levels of poverty and hunger.”

The report also spoke of the ongoing crisis in Gaza, noting that the UN has called the situation “a war against women and children”.

The meeting discussed the arrangements for national delegate conference in June – in particular, the council’s own provisional policy on motions and proposed amendments, together with proposed rule changes to the unions annual parliament.

The council also received reports on organising – highlighting good recruitment and retention figures – service group pay campaigns and national industrial action.

The article NEC hears of another Supreme Court win for UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Proposals that seek to limit the right to peaceful protest must be rejected, says UNISON

UNISON is extremely concerned at recent reports that Lord Walney, the government’s independent adviser on political violence and disruption, has proposed that MPs, councillors and Labour-affiliated unions cut ties and no longer engage with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

UNISON completely opposes these proposals and limits on the right to peaceful protest, and urges the government and opposition parties to reject them.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign does not support protests outside the homes of elected representatives.

UNISON defends the right to peaceful protest outside MPs offices, town halls and Parliament. It also upholds the right of MPs and their staff to work without fear of intimidation or harassment.

UNISON was one of the first UK unions to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. It has also repeatedly called for full access to humanitarian assistance, the immediate and safe release of hostages and an end to the blockade of Gaza.

The union has encouraged branches and members to participate in peaceful protests in support of these demands and appealed for support for the emergency medical response in both Palestine and Israel.

The situation in Palestine and Israel has always been an international priority for UNISON and the union has consistently called for an end to the occupation and for a viable, contiguous Palestinian state alongside Israel.

UNISON condemns the appalling rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia seen in recent months.

The article Proposals that seek to limit the right to peaceful protest must be rejected, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Proposals that seek to limit the right to peaceful protest must be rejected, says UNISON

UNISON is extremely concerned at recent reports that Lord Walney, the government’s independent adviser on political violence and disruption, has proposed that MPs, councillors and Labour-affiliated unions cut ties and no longer engage with the Palestine Solidarity Campaign.

UNISON completely opposes these proposals and limits on the right to peaceful protest, and urges the government and opposition parties to reject them.

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign does not support protests outside the homes of elected representatives.

UNISON defends the right to peaceful protest outside MPs offices, town halls and Parliament. It also upholds the right of MPs and their staff to work without fear of intimidation or harassment.

UNISON was one of the first UK unions to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. It has also repeatedly called for full access to humanitarian assistance, the immediate and safe release of hostages and an end to the blockade of Gaza.

The union has encouraged branches and members to participate in peaceful protests in support of these demands and appealed for support for the emergency medical response in both Palestine and Israel.

The situation in Palestine and Israel has always been an international priority for UNISON and the union has consistently called for an end to the occupation and for a viable, contiguous Palestinian state alongside Israel.

UNISON condemns the appalling rise in antisemitism and Islamophobia seen in recent months.

The article Proposals that seek to limit the right to peaceful protest must be rejected, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.

NEC hears of shocking conditions imposed on migrant care workers

Meeting in London and online yesterday, UNISON’s national executive council (NEC) condemned the resumption of violence in Gaza and repeated the union’s call for an immediate ceasefire.

General secretary Christina McAnea and president Libby Nolan told the meeting how emotional they had found addressing some of the recent peace rallies. They stressed how important it was to explain the union’s position on the war in the Middle East.

The NEC discussed and agreed a new statement on the Gaza-Israel conflict.

Elsewhere, the general secretary updated the NEC on various pay disputes across the UK. Ms McAnea said it was “utterly shocking” that health members in Northern Ireland still hadn’t received a pay deal – a situation that was affecting every union with members working in health.

She also noted that school members in Northern Ireland were currently taking action and that members in Scotland had received a revised offer for local government members which they had accepted. “Colleagues in Scotland did a very good job of getting an improved offer for members,” noted the general secretary.

On the ongoing Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign, Ms McAnea noted it was “going from strength to strength”.

She said: “It was utterly inspiring to meet members who have never been that active before. The campaign has resulted in fantastic sign-up from non-members who perhaps feel for the first time that the union is speaking up for them.

“Members are taking the action and are leading the campaign,” she added.

The meeting also covered the recent publishing of UNISON’s report Expendable Labour. It details the shocking conditions that migrant workers are forced into when they are encouraged to come to the UK to work in social care.

They heard that migrant social care workers are propping up social care but are being exploited by employers and that the government could step in and help, but instead they’ve taken to demonising them.

The general secretary told the meeting: “It was a complete knee-jerk reaction to appease the Tory party’s right-wing backbenchers and they’re completely obsessed with this policy.

Ms McAnea said the union was getting calls from members who are worried. “It’s all very unclear at the moment – but this will have a massive knock-on effect in health and social care as there’s a global shortage of care staff.”

Finally, the NEC heard that the recent declaration of bankruptcy from Nottingham council would not be the last as local government “was the sector hit the hardest by the current government’s policies of the last 13 years” and that the union’s equal pay campaign was continuing across the country.

The article NEC hears of shocking conditions imposed on migrant care workers first appeared on the UNISON National site.

NEC hears of shocking conditions imposed on migrant care workers

Meeting in London and online yesterday, UNISON’s national executive council (NEC) condemned the resumption of violence in Gaza and repeated the union’s call for an immediate ceasefire.

General secretary Christina McAnea and president Libby Nolan told the meeting how emotional they had found addressing some of the recent peace rallies. They stressed how important it was to explain the union’s position on the war in the Middle East.

The NEC discussed and agreed a new statement on the Gaza-Israel conflict.

Elsewhere, the general secretary updated the NEC on various pay disputes across the UK. Ms McAnea said it was “utterly shocking” that health members in Northern Ireland still hadn’t received a pay deal – a situation that was affecting every union with members working in health.

She also noted that school members in Northern Ireland were currently taking action and that members in Scotland had received a revised offer for local government members which they had accepted. “Colleagues in Scotland did a very good job of getting an improved offer for members,” noted the general secretary.

On the ongoing Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign, Ms McAnea noted it was “going from strength to strength”.

She said: “It was utterly inspiring to meet members who have never been that active before. The campaign has resulted in fantastic sign-up from non-members who perhaps feel for the first time that the union is speaking up for them.

“Members are taking the action and are leading the campaign,” she added.

The meeting also covered the recent publishing of UNISON’s report Expendable Labour. It details the shocking conditions that migrant workers are forced into when they are encouraged to come to the UK to work in social care.

They heard that migrant social care workers are propping up social care but are being exploited by employers and that the government could step in and help, but instead they’ve taken to demonising them.

The general secretary told the meeting: “It was a complete knee-jerk reaction to appease the Tory party’s right-wing backbenchers and they’re completely obsessed with this policy.

Ms McAnea said the union was getting calls from members who are worried. “It’s all very unclear at the moment – but this will have a massive knock-on effect in health and social care as there’s a global shortage of care staff.”

Finally, the NEC heard that the recent declaration of bankruptcy from Nottingham council would not be the last as local government “was the sector hit the hardest by the current government’s policies of the last 13 years” and that the union’s equal pay campaign was continuing across the country.

The article NEC hears of shocking conditions imposed on migrant care workers first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Blog: Donate to aid efforts in Israel and Gaza

We are all horrified by the devastating violence we have seen in Israel and Gaza in recent weeks. I know that many UNISON activists are eager to respond to the crisis, so we are encouraging all our branches to support the critical work of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and the Red Cross.

UNISON condemns the brutal and heinous attack by Hamas against innocent civilians in Israel, and the indiscriminate bombing and collective punishment of the people of Gaza. We are calling for a ceasefire, the immediate and safe release of hostages and for an end to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Gaza’s fragile health system was already close to collapse before the latest escalation, due to the 16-year blockade on the narrow strip of land. The bombing of Gaza and further severe restrictions on access to water, energy and essential medical supplies have seriously exacerbated the health crisis, with 14 out of 35 hospitals and 71% of primary healthcare facilities no longer able to function.

It is essential that we do all we can to support our colleagues working to save lives in the most appalling circumstances in Gaza and Israel. That is why UNISON has already donated £10,000 to support the critical work of Medical Aid for Palestinians and the Red Cross, and we are asking UNISON branches to give generously to these emergency appeals too.

MAP has a team working in Gaza to get essential supplies to healthcare providers. It is also working with the Palestinian Red Crescent and is establishing operations in Egypt. The Red Cross is working to provide critical support both in Gaza and Israel in response to the crisis, working with the Palestinian Red Crescent and Magen David Adom.

Over 1,400 Israelis and 8,500 Palestinians had been killed by the end of October, and many thousands more injured, sadly, so many of them are children. Please do all you can to support the essential work of these organisations and help our colleagues in Gaza and Israel save lives.

Donate to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

Donate to the Red Cross

The article Blog: Donate to aid efforts in Israel and Gaza first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Donate to aid efforts in Gaza and Israel

UNISON is horrified by the devastating violence seen in Gaza and Israel in recent weeks.

General secretary Christina McAnea says: “I know that many UNISON activists are eager to respond to the crisis, so we are encouraging all our branches to support the critical work of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP) and the Red Cross.

“UNISON condemns the brutal and heinous attack by Hamas against innocent civilians in Israel, and the indiscriminate bombing and collective punishment of the people of Gaza. We are calling for a ceasefire, the immediate and safe release of hostages and for an end to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.”

Gaza’s fragile health system was already close to collapse before the latest escalation, due to the 16-year blockade on the narrow strip of land.

The bombing of Gaza and further severe restrictions on access to water, energy and essential medical supplies have seriously exacerbated the health crisis, with 14 out of 35 hospitals and 71% of primary healthcare facilities no longer able to function.

Christina continues: “It is essential that we do all we can to support our colleagues working to save lives in the most appalling circumstances in Gaza and Israel. That is why UNISON has already donated £10,000 to support the critical work of Medical Aid for Palestinians and the Red Cross, and we are asking UNISON branches to give generously to these emergency appeals too.”

MAP has a team working in Gaza to get essential supplies to healthcare providers. It is also working with the Palestinian Red Crescent and is establishing operations in Egypt. The Red Cross is working to provide critical support both in Gaza and Israel in response to the crisis, working with the Palestinian Red Crescent and Magen David Adom.

Over 10,000 Palestinians and 1,400 Israelis have been killed by the conflict so far, and many thousands more injured, sadly, so many of them are children.

Christiana adds: “Please do all you can to support the essential work of these organisations and help our colleagues in Gaza and Israel save lives.”

Donate to Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

Donate to the Red Cross

The article Donate to aid efforts in Gaza and Israel first appeared on the UNISON National site.