UNISON Nelson Mandela Award 2025– (open to all Black people in conjunction with UNISON’s defining Black)

UNISON 2015 Black members’ conference resolved to establish a Nelson Mandela award that embodies his attributes and becomes an annual feature of the conference.

Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first Black president saw in democracy after decades of apartheid rule which for Black people meant living with years of racial segregation and systemic oppression. His vision was for a truly united South Africa, and he became a powerful global figure of resistance.

Our union is proud to have made Mandela an honorary president of UNISON and to have stood by him and others in the movement on their historic struggle for equality, justice and in ending apartheid.

Amongst our Black communities we recognise that there is an abundance of talent and that there are many people who tirelessly contribute to the fight for racial equality across the world. With the marginalisation and discrimination faced by Black workers and people with entrenched barriers structural and institutional racism would appear to be ever increasing, but out of the ashes of despair we have seen courage, determination, purpose, and drive throughout our history and would encourage nominations from all sections of the Black community and devolved nations.

The award will be presented to someone who has supported and ‘gone above and beyond to represent Black people’ celebrating their achievements, courage, and determination within our society.

The award winner will be invited to attend the National Black members conference as a guest of the National Committee where they will be presented with the award.

The article UNISON Nelson Mandela Award 2025– (open to all Black people in conjunction with UNISON’s defining Black) first appeared on the UNISON National site.

UNISON Nelson Mandela Award 2025– (open to all Black people in conjunction with UNISON’s defining Black)

UNISON 2015 Black members’ conference resolved to establish a Nelson Mandela award that embodies his attributes and becomes an annual feature of the conference.

Nelson Mandela, South Africa’s first Black president saw in democracy after decades of apartheid rule which for Black people meant living with years of racial segregation and systemic oppression. His vision was for a truly united South Africa, and he became a powerful global figure of resistance.

Our union is proud to have made Mandela an honorary president of UNISON and to have stood by him and others in the movement on their historic struggle for equality, justice and in ending apartheid.

Amongst our Black communities we recognise that there is an abundance of talent and that there are many people who tirelessly contribute to the fight for racial equality across the world. With the marginalisation and discrimination faced by Black workers and people with entrenched barriers structural and institutional racism would appear to be ever increasing, but out of the ashes of despair we have seen courage, determination, purpose, and drive throughout our history and would encourage nominations from all sections of the Black community and devolved nations.

The award will be presented to someone who has supported and ‘gone above and beyond to represent Black people’ celebrating their achievements, courage, and determination within our society.

The award winner will be invited to attend the National Black members conference as a guest of the National Committee where they will be presented with the award.

The article UNISON Nelson Mandela Award 2025– (open to all Black people in conjunction with UNISON’s defining Black) first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Shoplifting up by 13% in Northern Ireland, having doubled since Covid – Usdaw calls for a protection of shop workers’ law

Retail trade union Usdaw is deeply concerned by the latest recorded crime statistics from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) showing a further 13.4% uplift in shoplifting in the year to the end of June. That amounts to a doubling since the pandemic with shoplifting incidents rising from 4,464 in 2020/21 to 8,890, according to the latest figures.

GB Energy will boost the economy and bring bills down

Commenting on the introduction of the GB Energy Bill and the creation of the government’s new publicly owned company aimed at making the UK a ‘clean energy superpower’ today (Thursday), UNISON head of environment Donna Rowe- Merriman said:

“It’s high time for the energy sector to move to the next level. GB Energy’s promising goals will generate profits and support the transition to cleaner power.

“The move offers a unique opportunity for workers to develop new skills for a green economy and meet the energy needs of the future.

“The creation of GB Energy’s local power plans will also encourage councils and communities to explore how they can develop renewable energy locally.

“This strong statement of intent will fulfil the new government’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions, boost economic growth and bring energy bills down for all.”

Notes to editors:
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

Media contacts:
Liz Chinchen M: 07778 158175 E: l.chinchen@unison.co.uk
Fatima Ayad M: 07508 080383 E: f.ayad@unison.co.uk

The article GB Energy will boost the economy and bring bills down first appeared on the UNISON National site.

GB Energy will boost the economy and bring bills down

Commenting on the introduction of the GB Energy Bill and the creation of the government’s new publicly owned company aimed at making the UK a ‘clean energy superpower’ today (Thursday), UNISON head of environment Donna Rowe- Merriman said:

“It’s high time for the energy sector to move to the next level. GB Energy’s promising goals will generate profits and support the transition to cleaner power.

“The move offers a unique opportunity for workers to develop new skills for a green economy and meet the energy needs of the future.

“The creation of GB Energy’s local power plans will also encourage councils and communities to explore how they can develop renewable energy locally.

“This strong statement of intent will fulfil the new government’s commitment to achieving net-zero emissions, boost economic growth and bring energy bills down for all.”

Notes to editors:
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

Media contacts:
Liz Chinchen M: 07778 158175 E: l.chinchen@unison.co.uk
Fatima Ayad M: 07508 080383 E: f.ayad@unison.co.uk

The article GB Energy will boost the economy and bring bills down first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Alarming 30% increase in shoplifting across England and Wales – Usdaw welcomes the Labour Government’s commitment to tackle retail crime

Retail trade union Usdaw is deeply concerned by today's police recorded crime statistics for England and Wales showing that in the year to March 2024, there was a 30% increase in shoplifting. This continues the trend of persistent quarterly increases since the pandemic, with the figures now having risen to their highest level in 20 years.