Shoplifting up by 13% in Northern Ireland, having doubled since Covid – Usdaw calls for a protection of shop workers’ law

Retail trade union Usdaw is deeply concerned by the latest recorded crime statistics from the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) showing a further 13.4% uplift in shoplifting in the year to the end of June. That amounts to a doubling since the pandemic with shoplifting incidents rising from 4,464 in 2020/21 to 8,890, according to the latest figures.

Alarming 30% increase in shoplifting across England and Wales – Usdaw welcomes the Labour Government’s commitment to tackle retail crime

Retail trade union Usdaw is deeply concerned by today's police recorded crime statistics for England and Wales showing that in the year to March 2024, there was a 30% increase in shoplifting. This continues the trend of persistent quarterly increases since the pandemic, with the figures now having risen to their highest level in 20 years.

King’s Speech 2024: Usdaw’s campaigning leads to the announcement of a protection of shop workers’ law

Retail trade union Usdaw has welcomed the inclusion of the Crime and Policing Bill in the King's Speech at today's State Opening of Parliament. Measures include strengthening neighbourhood policing, cracking down on antisocial behaviour with new ‘respect orders' for persistent adult offenders, and introducing stronger measures against shoplifting.

Usdaw looks towards a King’s Speech that could be transformational for members and all workers

Retail union Usdaw is looking forward to Labour delivering on its manifesto in Government, to bring back economic growth, deliver prosperity and invest in our broken public services. The first step along that road takes place on Wednesday at the State Opening of Parliament and a King's Speech that will set out the new Government's legislative programme for the coming parliamentary term.

National Retail Workers’ Day 2024: Usdaw calls for retail workers to be valued, appreciated and respected

Retail trade union Usdaw has today (13 July) launched the second annual National Retail Workers' Day, which engages with the public to highlight the value of retail workers in our shops and communities. Retail directly employs nearly 3 million, with around a further 1.5 million jobs reliant on the success of the industry. It is the biggest private sector employer in the country.