NHS employers need to pay staff fairly or face strike action

NHS managers must ensure health workers are on the correct salary bands for the jobs they do and avoid the need for further strike action this year, says UNISON today (Friday).

Since 2021, the union has taken an employer-by-employer approach to help healthcare assistants across the UK win wage rises, including around £80m in back pay, to make up for years of being paid significantly less than they should have been.

UNISON’s Fair Pay for Patient Care campaign has prompted salary boosts for nearly 36,000 healthcare assistants and other clinical support workers, because their salaries have increasingly failed to reflect their more complex job responsibilities.

According to NHS guidance, healthcare assistants on the lowest agenda for change salaries (band 2) should only be providing personal care like bathing and feeding patients.

But support staff have been routinely undertaking more involved clinical tasks, says UNISON, including taking and monitoring blood, and performing electrocardiogram tests. This should have pushed their roles into a higher (band 3) bracket, which is worth almost £2,000 a year more.

Some NHS employers have acted to end this unfair wage discrepancy, says UNISON. They’ve lifted support staff on to the next band up and awarded back pay as compensation for when they’ve been doing more complicated tasks but without the appropriate salary.

Elsewhere, it’s taken weeks of industrial action to secure the correct wages and back pay for support staff, says UNISON.

More than 40 deals have now been secured by the Fair Pay for Patient Care campaign. Successes include Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge Community Services NHS Trust and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

UNISON, which is holding its annual national conference in Brighton this week, is now urging other NHS employers to do the right thing and pay healthcare assistants the money they’re rightfully owed.

Talks are currently ongoing to try to resolve a dispute involving support staff at two trusts on Teesside, says UNISON. And at the start of the week, hundreds of workers at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth walked out for the first time in their rebanding dispute. Elsewhere, healthcare assistants employed by Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust are due to strike in the coming weeks.

UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Years of tight financial settlements have left the NHS in a precarious state. But that’s no reason not to pay staff the correct wages for the important jobs they do.

“Keeping healthcare assistants on the lowest NHS pay band, when the complex jobs they do call for a higher rate, is a false economy.

“If staff don’t feel valued and believe they’re being taken advantage of, they’re much less likely to stay working in the NHS. And with more handsome salaries on offer elsewhere, experienced health employees are being needlessly lost from the NHS.

“All trusts should do the right thing and ensure they’re paying their entire workforce fairly. Managers shouldn’t leave it until a strike is called before deciding to act.

“No one wants to take action, lose a day’s wages and create disruption for patients. But if that’s what it takes, then that’s what staff will do to win fair pay for patient care.”

Notes to editors:
– Click here for full details of the Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign.
Case studies
–”Staff have been working over and above their band 2 duties every day, performing tasks that aren’t supposed to be part of their role.” Hollie, healthcare assistant, Neath Port Talbot
“I have five children so the back pay and wage rise will be a massive help. The whole pay campaign has made me feel more valued for the work I do.” Danielle, healthcare assistant, East Cheshire
“We’d been left with no option but to strike. Staff just want to be banded correctly and paid fairly for the work they do. For years, people have worked beyond their band without the correct wage. Failure to resolve this issue is not an option.” Max, theatre assistant, Plymouth
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

Media contacts:
Anthony Barnes M: 07834 864794 E: a.barnes@unison.co.uk
Liz Chinchen M: 07778 158175 E: l.chinchen@unison.co.uk

The article NHS employers need to pay staff fairly or face strike action first appeared on the UNISON National site.

NHS employers need to pay staff fairly or face strike action

NHS managers must ensure health workers are on the correct salary bands for the jobs they do and avoid the need for further strike action this year, says UNISON today (Friday).

Since 2021, the union has taken an employer-by-employer approach to help healthcare assistants across the UK win wage rises, including around £80m in back pay, to make up for years of being paid significantly less than they should have been.

UNISON’s Fair Pay for Patient Care campaign has prompted salary boosts for nearly 36,000 healthcare assistants and other clinical support workers, because their salaries have increasingly failed to reflect their more complex job responsibilities.

According to NHS guidance, healthcare assistants on the lowest agenda for change salaries (band 2) should only be providing personal care like bathing and feeding patients.

But support staff have been routinely undertaking more involved clinical tasks, says UNISON, including taking and monitoring blood, and performing electrocardiogram tests. This should have pushed their roles into a higher (band 3) bracket, which is worth almost £2,000 a year more.

Some NHS employers have acted to end this unfair wage discrepancy, says UNISON. They’ve lifted support staff on to the next band up and awarded back pay as compensation for when they’ve been doing more complicated tasks but without the appropriate salary.

Elsewhere, it’s taken weeks of industrial action to secure the correct wages and back pay for support staff, says UNISON.

More than 40 deals have now been secured by the Fair Pay for Patient Care campaign. Successes include Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge Community Services NHS Trust and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust.

UNISON, which is holding its annual national conference in Brighton this week, is now urging other NHS employers to do the right thing and pay healthcare assistants the money they’re rightfully owed.

Talks are currently ongoing to try to resolve a dispute involving support staff at two trusts on Teesside, says UNISON. And at the start of the week, hundreds of workers at Derriford Hospital in Plymouth walked out for the first time in their rebanding dispute. Elsewhere, healthcare assistants employed by Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust are due to strike in the coming weeks.

UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said: “Years of tight financial settlements have left the NHS in a precarious state. But that’s no reason not to pay staff the correct wages for the important jobs they do.

“Keeping healthcare assistants on the lowest NHS pay band, when the complex jobs they do call for a higher rate, is a false economy.

“If staff don’t feel valued and believe they’re being taken advantage of, they’re much less likely to stay working in the NHS. And with more handsome salaries on offer elsewhere, experienced health employees are being needlessly lost from the NHS.

“All trusts should do the right thing and ensure they’re paying their entire workforce fairly. Managers shouldn’t leave it until a strike is called before deciding to act.

“No one wants to take action, lose a day’s wages and create disruption for patients. But if that’s what it takes, then that’s what staff will do to win fair pay for patient care.”

Notes to editors:
– Click here for full details of the Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign.
Case studies
–”Staff have been working over and above their band 2 duties every day, performing tasks that aren’t supposed to be part of their role.” Hollie, healthcare assistant, Neath Port Talbot
“I have five children so the back pay and wage rise will be a massive help. The whole pay campaign has made me feel more valued for the work I do.” Danielle, healthcare assistant, East Cheshire
“We’d been left with no option but to strike. Staff just want to be banded correctly and paid fairly for the work they do. For years, people have worked beyond their band without the correct wage. Failure to resolve this issue is not an option.” Max, theatre assistant, Plymouth
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

Media contacts:
Anthony Barnes M: 07834 864794 E: a.barnes@unison.co.uk
Liz Chinchen M: 07778 158175 E: l.chinchen@unison.co.uk

The article NHS employers need to pay staff fairly or face strike action first appeared on the UNISON National site.

West Yorkshire hospital workers win re-banding and thousands of pounds in back pay 

Many of the healthcare assistants working in A&E at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust have been on band two of the national Agenda for Change pay scale, but have undertaken clinical duties falling under band three for several years.

Thanks to UNISON, the workers have now been re-banded to band three and are set to receive around £3,000 in back pay.

The victory marks the latest success in UNISON’s Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign, which has seen repeated re-banding wins across the country. 

Pay Fair For Patient Care calls for all band two staff with increased responsibilities to be paid at the correct rate for the job they are doing and for workers to be compensated for the work they’ve already done at band three level. 

The deal reached with the trust means more than 50 A&E staff across Calderdale and Kirklees will be moved to the higher band, as well as receiving back pay.

Kimberley Cundall-Mellor, who is one of the healthcare assistants due to receive this backpay, is thrilled by the union’s success. “We go above and beyond in every shift that we work, and being re-banded means that we’re being recognised and rewarded for the work we undertake for a patient’s care and the patient’s journey,” she said.

UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional organiser Gary Cleaver said: “This is fantastic news for workers who go above and beyond to keep the NHS running, but it’s long overdue. Finally, staff will be properly recognised for the work they do, and paid accordingly.

“This is just the first step in Calderdale and Huddersfield. It’s promising the trust has agreed to negotiations for healthcare assistants in other departments.

“UNISON will do everything possible to make sure those workers get the pay and respect they deserve.”

Managers at Calderdale and Huddersfield have agreed to enter negotiations with UNISON aimed at re-banding healthcare assistants in other departments in the new year.

Find out more about Pay Fair for Patient Care

The article West Yorkshire hospital workers win re-banding and thousands of pounds in back pay  first appeared on the UNISON National site.

West Yorkshire hospital workers win re-banding and thousands of pounds in back pay 

Many of the healthcare assistants working in A&E at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust have been on band two of the national Agenda for Change pay scale, but have undertaken clinical duties falling under band three for several years.

Thanks to UNISON, the workers have now been re-banded to band three and are set to receive around £3,000 in back pay.

The victory marks the latest success in UNISON’s Pay Fair for Patient Care campaign, which has seen repeated re-banding wins across the country. 

Pay Fair For Patient Care calls for all band two staff with increased responsibilities to be paid at the correct rate for the job they are doing and for workers to be compensated for the work they’ve already done at band three level. 

The deal reached with the trust means more than 50 A&E staff across Calderdale and Kirklees will be moved to the higher band, as well as receiving back pay.

Kimberley Cundall-Mellor, who is one of the healthcare assistants due to receive this backpay, is thrilled by the union’s success. “We go above and beyond in every shift that we work, and being re-banded means that we’re being recognised and rewarded for the work we undertake for a patient’s care and the patient’s journey,” she said.

UNISON Yorkshire and Humberside regional organiser Gary Cleaver said: “This is fantastic news for workers who go above and beyond to keep the NHS running, but it’s long overdue. Finally, staff will be properly recognised for the work they do, and paid accordingly.

“This is just the first step in Calderdale and Huddersfield. It’s promising the trust has agreed to negotiations for healthcare assistants in other departments.

“UNISON will do everything possible to make sure those workers get the pay and respect they deserve.”

Managers at Calderdale and Huddersfield have agreed to enter negotiations with UNISON aimed at re-banding healthcare assistants in other departments in the new year.

Find out more about Pay Fair for Patient Care

The article West Yorkshire hospital workers win re-banding and thousands of pounds in back pay  first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Manchester NHS workers get back pay thanks to UNISON campaign

In a landmark victory, thousands of workers across Manchester have received up to £5,000 in backdated earnings thanks to UNISON’s hard-won, six-year battle to have their roles re-banded.

For years, healthcare assistants (HCAs) in hospitals across the city have been performing clinical duties that are above their pay grade. After joining forces within the union’s North West region, they’ve forced Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust to reward and recognise this.

The campaign began in 2016, when Manchester University Health Branch provided diaries to HCAs to document what duties they were doing every day. As branch secretary Wendy Guest explains: “An overwhelming number were doing clinical duties that were above their band and pay”.

Recognising that there was an uphill battle ahead, with the need for a clear strategy and proper resources, in 2019 the region put together a successful UNISON fighting fund bid to employ 10 organisers to be deployed in branches where HCAs were going above and beyond, without being properly paid for doing so.

The result was only possible through what UNISON regional organiser Dan Smith describes as “deep organising”.

“We started off by doing walk rounds in hospitals, face-to-face surveys and meetings to find out what duties healthcare assistants were doing, and how their daily duties matched up to what they were actually paid to do,” he says.

When the results came in, the problem was clear. The majority of healthcare assistants were directly employed on band 2 contracts, which involved the provision of personal care such as bathing, feeding and toileting patients.

However, UNISON found they were also often performing band 3 clinical duties, such as taking and monitoring bloods, carrying out electrocardiogram (ECG) tests, escorting patients unaccompanied, dealing with complex dressings, cannulating veins and recording patient observations.

“We had member meetings where we went through the findings together”, says Mr Smith. When they discovered that people on band 2 contracts were regularly and routinely doing higher band tasks, they asked members what they were willing to do to tackle that.

The answer came in the form of a collective grievance that 350 members put their names to. In the first instance, the trust was slow to respond. So to bring management to the negotiating table, UNISON went to the press and politicians. 

The union organised meetings between frontline healthcare assistants and their local MPs, which eventually led to a Greater Manchester HCA summit, bringing together more than 20 workers with MPs and councillors from across the city. After that event, the group published an open letter signed by seven Greater Manchester MPs and over 40 councillors, urging three key NHS trusts to resolve the long-running dispute.

As a result, three of the biggest trusts in Manchester agreed to collective negotiations with UNISON and then to a Greater Manchester ‘framework agreement’, which ensured the re-banding of healthcare assistants and the potential for back pay up to 1 April 2018.

Members were balloted on the agreement and overwhelmingly accepted.

All HCAs at the trust are now having their jobs reviewed and officially re-banded, and as of last month, back pay began to appear in people’s bank accounts.

The trust has estimated that resolving the issue will cost £16m to resolve this, to which Mr Smith responds: “That’s money that should have been in our members’ pockets anyway. And it’s also about reward, respect and recognition. By making this a band 3 role, it creates upward pressure on wages”.

The impact of the campaign is now being felt in real terms by hospital workers.

UNISON rep Jenna Rooney said she was recently stopped in the corridor by a member who had received £8,000 in their previous pay packet given the back pay.

“It’s amazing to see members receive this – especially at this time when the cost of living is through the roof and people are really struggling. It’s nice for people to have that extra bit of money, to have a bit of breathing space for a month or two.”

Ms Rooney, who has worked as a clinical support worker for Manchester Royal Infirmary for seven years, was heavily involved in the campaign.

“I was going around wards, getting people to sign petitions and being as visible and loud as I could. We had to send a clear message that it wasn’t acceptable for management to treat us like that any more.

“I don’t think the trust expected it to be as big as it is, and it’s been great for union recruitment because it demonstrates the power of collective action. The possibilities feel endless now.”

For Ms Guest, the success of the campaign is all due to the members.

“People come up to me and say ‘thank you’ for what’s been achieved, but I tell them: ‘you don’t need to thank me, it’s you’. Campaigns only work if the members are involved – that’s the only way you don’t lose momentum.

“I’m so proud of all the HCAs that were scared and concerned about putting themselves out there to challenge management. This is what they’ve achieved.”

Ms Guest is hopeful that the success in Manchester will inspire other health workers across the country to do the same. “The groundwork has been done, we’ve won. If we’re one of the largest trusts in the country and we’ve achieved it, it’s possible anywhere”.

The article Manchester NHS workers get back pay thanks to UNISON campaign first appeared on the UNISON National site.

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