Russell Hobby warns of the limitations of viewing data as the sole indicator of a school's success.
Though regulators are never popular, Welsh schools will again find sound common sense in the final report of the current Chief Inspector for Wales, Anne Keane.
The Department for Education's consultation on performance descriptors at key stage one and two closed on Friday 19 December. School leaders' union NAHT believes that the proposed performance...
In its report on best practice for safeguarding children in schools, Ofsted claims that just two per cent of schools it inspected were considered to have inadequate safeguarding procedures in place.
Russell Hobby, general secretary of NAHT said: Ofsted is contradicting itself. Reports from its routine inspections say behaviour is good or outstanding in 83 per cent of all schools. That's not yet...
NAHT has welcomed Ofsted's intervention on claims of routine attempts to dupe school inspectors. Russell Hobby, general secretary of the NAHT, said: We agree with Ofsted's position on claims of...
The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) has welcomed a report which aims to drive up teaching quality but questions whether re-labelling so-called 'coasting' schools is the way to achieve it.
Another new framework for Ofsted; but it's how it's used that counts, say school leaders.