Communities must come together to reject extremism and hatred, says UNISON

Responding to the riots which took place over the weekend, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said:

“The overwhelming majority of people will be appalled by the scenes of violence, racism and looting inflicted by far right thugs in towns and cities across Britain.

“Those who co-ordinated these so-called protests have exploited the tragic events in Southport to incite misplaced fear, division and hatred – often at a distance through social media.

“The vile thuggery of those involved not only disrespects the victims and their families in Southport but also tarnishes the reputation of the diverse and strong communities protestors falsely claim to represent.

“It’s distressing to see racist mobs laughing while attacking hotels housing vulnerable asylum seekers. Mosques have been attacked forcing the government to step up security to keep the mobs out. Virulent islamophobia has taken hold on the streets, polluting British town and cities and making people feel unsafe.

“Social media is making life too easy for the thugs. Social media companies need to do all they can to impede the criminals and those spreading hate.

“Public servants have been in the firing line too. It’s been reported that Filipino NHS nurses and others travelling to work to help treat the injured have been attacked, and several police officers striving to keep our streets safe have been injured too. No one should be fearing for their safety simply because of the colour of their skin.

“In modern Britain, there is no place for violence or racist thuggery. Communities must stand united in rejecting this abhorrent extremism and work to foster a society grounded in mutual respect.”

Notes to editors:
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

Media contact:
Liz Chinchen M: 07778 158175 E:

The article Communities must come together to reject extremism and hatred, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Communities must come together to reject extremism and hatred, says UNISON

Responding to the riots which took place over the weekend, UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea said:

“The overwhelming majority of people will be appalled by the scenes of violence, racism and looting inflicted by far right thugs in towns and cities across Britain.

“Those who co-ordinated these so-called protests have exploited the tragic events in Southport to incite misplaced fear, division and hatred – often at a distance through social media.

“The vile thuggery of those involved not only disrespects the victims and their families in Southport but also tarnishes the reputation of the diverse and strong communities protestors falsely claim to represent.

“It’s distressing to see racist mobs laughing while attacking hotels housing vulnerable asylum seekers. Mosques have been attacked forcing the government to step up security to keep the mobs out. Virulent islamophobia has taken hold on the streets, polluting British town and cities and making people feel unsafe.

“Social media is making life too easy for the thugs. Social media companies need to do all they can to impede the criminals and those spreading hate.

“Public servants have been in the firing line too. It’s been reported that Filipino NHS nurses and others travelling to work to help treat the injured have been attacked, and several police officers striving to keep our streets safe have been injured too. No one should be fearing for their safety simply because of the colour of their skin.

“In modern Britain, there is no place for violence or racist thuggery. Communities must stand united in rejecting this abhorrent extremism and work to foster a society grounded in mutual respect.”

Notes to editors:
– UNISON is the UK’s largest union with more than 1.3 million members providing public services in education, local government, the NHS, police service and energy. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors.

Media contact:
Liz Chinchen M: 07778 158175 E:

The article Communities must come together to reject extremism and hatred, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Blog: Remembering the ‘banality of evil’ is of vital importance

By Joshua Garfield and Izzy Lenga

Hannah Arendt wrote about the “banality of evil,” as a countenance to the often ubiquitous belief that evil is exceptional; that uniquely evil deeds are committed by uniquely evil individuals.

Offering up a thesis that evil is banal begs the question of whether we need to work harder to fight hate, because it is far more common than we are willing to admit.

The theme for this year’s international Holocaust Memorial Day, which falls on 27 January, is Ordinary People.

Ordinary people were victims of the Holocaust, ordinary people perpetuated the Holocaust, and ordinary people did heroic things to rescue ordinary victims from the atrocities of the Holocaust.

Liberated on 27 January in 1945, Auschwitz Birkenau was the Nazis’ largest concentration camp, where 1.1 million people were murdered – a million of them Jews.

The Nazis and their collaborators murdered six million Jews during the Holocaust – more than two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe. Without the banality of evil and without collaborators across the continent, the Holocaust could not have claimed so many innocent lives.

This year’s theme for Holocaust Memorial Day also serves as a reminder that ordinary people can save lives and stop evil when they display extraordinary bravery.

Atrocities committed in the last century were all enabled by bystanders and onlookers. The ordinary people who failed to prevent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur all made choices – albeit sometimes impossible ones – that led to murder on an industrial scale.

But amid each catastrophe, there were ordinary people displaying extraordinary bravery, either by standing up to the persecutors, refusing to collaborate with murder or shielding victims from their latent fate.

As young Jewish trade unionists, we implore the members of our movement to understand the importance of commemorating Holocaust Memorial Day this year and every year.

Hatred never starts with genocide – it starts with rhetoric. The rise of the far right and of authoritarianism overseas threatens us all.

At home, attacks on minority groups are growing year-on-year. Hatred is on the rise and it is our job as a collective to fight it, and ensure that our extraordinary heroism is displayed by more ordinary people.

The Community Security Trust (CST) documents antisemitic incidents and tracks the impact of antisemitism in society and its prevalence, while working to combat it and actively protect Jewish communities.

Last year, it recorded 2,255 instances of antisemitic hate crime, including a spike in verbal abuse shouted from vehicles and 173 incidents of physical assault.

This represents a 34% rise since 2020 and the largest yearly record of antisemitic hate crime since CST began documenting as the Board of Deputies of British Jews’ Community Security Organisation in 1984.

These figures drive us to fight racism and remind us all why we cannot be bystanders to hate. We must robustly combat Holocaust denial and distortion. If every one of our one million-plus union stands in solidarity with victims of abuse and persecution, then we ordinary members can make a material difference to ordinary people’s lives.

The trade union movement draws its strength from its members. As the largest trade union in the country, we encourage UNISON branches to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day by accessing the resources available from the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, and to distribute copies of Hope Not Hate’s report on Antisemitism in the Digital Age – an insightful document outlining how social media giants have failed to counter extremism on their platforms.

We can resource ourselves to tackle antisemitism in our workplaces and our communities – we must stand resolutely against hate in all its forms.

Marking Holocaust Memorial Day

The article Blog: Remembering the ‘banality of evil’ is of vital importance first appeared on the UNISON National site.

Marking Holocaust Memorial Day

Every year UNISON marks Holocaust Memorial Day, which takes place on 27 January, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the Nazi concentration and death camp.

We remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution, including Roma and Sinti people, disabled people, LGBT+ people, Black people, trade unionists and political opponents of the Nazis.

We also remember and commemorate the victims of more recent genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.

Each year, Holocaust Memorial Day has a specific theme, which for 2023 is Ordinary People.

This theme will enable us to think about the lives of ordinary people caught up as victims. It will focus attention on the way that the silence and complicity of ordinary people also allowed these terrible events to occur.

It charges us to recommit as a trade union to bringing our collective efforts to bear to challenge antisemitism, intolerance and the politics of division and hate.

The Holocaust Memorial Trust has produced free guides and resources to help your workplace or UNISON branch organise events and activities around this theme.

The trust has also created guides to getting involved that feature tailored advice to support trade unions and workplaces organising activities to mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

To find out more, access a wide range of resources and order free activity packs, visit the trust’s website at

No matter the scale of your event or activity, the trust would welcome learning about how your workplace or UNISON branch commemorates the day. Whether your activity is private or open to the public, you can let them know here.

The Holocaust Education Trust also offers guidance notes and suggested readings which you can access here.

UNISON also supports the work of Generation 2 Generation (G2G), a charity that provides speakers to tell their family Holocaust stories online or face-to-face to a variety of audiences.

Through these engaging and historically accurate presentations, integrating first-hand survivor testimony, G2G works to ensure the lessons of the Holocaust are learned, promoting tolerance of all groups in society.

You can find out more about this important work and vital survivor testimonies here.

To consider how your branch can work with G2Gnot just during Holocaust Memorial Day, but all year round:

Blog: Remembering the ‘banality of evil’ is of vital importance


The article Marking Holocaust Memorial Day first appeared on the UNISON National site.