Unite ready to escalate its campaign to end the alleged exploitation of workers at Thanet Earth

Unite, Britain's biggest union, has warned the Kent based agricultural producer Thanet Earth and its supermarket buyers - Tesco, M&S, Sainsbury's and Asda - that it will escalate its campaign to end the alleged exploitation of workers unless the producer engages with the union over employment conditions at the biggest green house complex in the country.

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Free access to world leading leadership and management resources for Learning at Work day

LMMatters is offering organisations free access to its trusted leadership and management online resources for the whole of Adult Learners’ Week, starting Monday 16 May – including Learning at Work day. Organisations will be able to access the award winning Harvard ManageMentor alongside LMKnowledge (LMK), a vast library of knowledge, with more than 10,000 articles, videos and podcasts from the best worldwide sources.