TUC calls for better pay deals to secure a stable and sustainable recovery

TUC Deputy General Secretary Frances O'Grady will warn today (Tuesday) that workers face an unprecedented attack on their living standards due to inflation, rising energy costs and tax rises, and argue that decent pay rises are vital for a stable and sustainable recovery. At a conference organised by the TUC and Incomes Data Services (IDS) in London, Frances O'Grady will explain the three key pay challenges facing unions: securing fairness for public sector workers; negotiating settlements that reflect the cost of living; and winning the argument for better wages.

TUC welcomes genuine progress on vetting and barring

Responding to the government's proposed changes announced today (Friday) to the vetting and barring scheme on employees and volunteers who work with children and vulnerable adults, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “We believe that the government has a key role to play in reducing the risk of harm and neglect through the barring of unsuitable individuals from working with children and vulnerable adults. But the previous system was disproportionate and poorly targeted. Too many individuals found themselves at the wrong end of misplaced accusations with little chance of appeal.

Government must create jobs, not blame sick and disabled for being out of work

Commenting on findings from the government's incapacity benefit reassessment programme published today (Friday) by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “While we welcome the government's commitment to implement the Harrington Review to improve the operation of work capability assessments, these trials were carried out under the old system where 40 per cent of appeals were upheld, due to problems the government acknowledges still exist.