Wrong to deny young people an increase in the minimum wage, says TUC

Responding to the announcement by the government today (Monday) that it has accepted the recommendations of the Low Pay Commission (LPC) to freeze the rate of the minimum wage (NMW) for young people from October, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “The LPC should have been bolder in its recommendations. Even in the current economic climate there was room for an increase in the minimum wage that at the very least kept pace with inflation and earnings.

Scrapping unfair dismissal will do nothing to boost the economy, says TUC

Responding to a government call for evidence published today (Thursday) which says that unfair dismissal laws are preventing small companies from taking on staff and could be replaced by “no fault compensated dismissal”, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “Scrapping protection against unfair dismissal, even for people who have given years of loyal service, will do absolutely nothing to boost the economy. If people are constantly in fear of losing their jobs it will lead to even less consumer spending.