Worldwide campaign for higher taxes on finance sector targets British, French and German finance ministers

As finance ministers from the G20 nations prepare to gather in Paris tomorrow (Friday), supporters in 25 countries backing a financial transactions tax (FTT) are planning a global day of action today (Thursday) to increase pressure on governments around the world to sign up for a Robin Hood Tax on the banks.

TUC welcomes government’s three-point turn on forests

Comments on the announcement that the government is to put on hold plans to sell off some of England's forests. “This is not a u-turn but the start of a three-point turn. We look forward to hearing that the Forestry Commission job losses will now also be called off and that the whole forestry disposal debacle will be scrapped. This shows that people power can make a difference.”

Government review of sickness absence must not cut sick pay

Commenting on the government announcement today (Thursday) that Dame Carol Black and David Frost are to carry out an independent review into sickness absence, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “If this were to be a genuine attempt to support those on long-term sickness get back to work then the TUC would welcome it with open arms. However we are concerned that it will end up as just another part of the government's cost-saving onslaught on the income and rights of those at work, and those on benefits.