TUC reaction to ACAS report into the Lindsey oil refinery dispute

Responding to the publication today (Monday) of the ACAS report into the Lindsey oil refinery dispute, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “It is hardly surprising that the ACAS enquiry has found that no laws have been broken, as the major union complaint is that the law does not properly protect UK based workers – wherever they were born.

One in four went to work when too ill in January

One in four (24 per cent) of the workforce went to work despite thinking they were too ill to do so in January, according to a YouGov poll commissioned by the TUC and published today (Friday). And the big majority of those struggled in because they did not want to let others down. The TUC says the poll paints a very different picture of sickness absence to the caricature that British workers are always taking bogus sickies and stay home at the first sign of a sniffle.

TUC on February interest rates decision

Commenting on the Bank of England's decision today (Thursday) to cut interest rates to one per cent, TUC Head of Economic and Social Affairs Adam Lent said: “This was the correct decision and the one the markets expected. The priority now must be to get the high street banks to pass on this cut without delay to businesses and homeowners. Failure to do so will end up prolonging the economic downturn.”

TUC comment on DWP ‘Saving for retirement’ research report

Commenting on the DWP report “Saving For Retirement: Implications of pensions reforms on financial incentives to save for retirement” published today (Thursday), TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “This rigorous research shows that the great bulk of people are likely to be better off in retirement when auto-enrolment into an employer scheme or a personal account starts in 2012.