Solving problems caused by care underfunding
The article New NHS community response teams show the need for social care investment, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.
System struggling to cope even in a mild winter
The article New low in A&E performance shows NHS needs urgent treatment first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Pioneering charter showing how volunteers can make a valuable contribution to the NHS in England, without undermining paid staff or affecting patient safety, is being launched today.
The article...
Welcome for reforms which could remove NHS competition
The article New proposals could help protect the NHS from an uncertain world post-Brexit, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National...
A lot has been written about the NHS pay deal in England and what it will mean to individuals' pay packets. But how does it affect staff at different stages of their career?
The article The English...
A UNISON investigation has found that parking outside work is becoming more and more of a problem for NHS staff in England. “I have been nursing for 38 years and I am getting stressed and angry as I...
UNISON member wins award for 'operational services excellence’ at NHS England Windrush Awards to mark 70th anniversary of NHS
The article Evelyn Beckley: ‘a shining example of hard-working NHS...
Changes to regional structures should provide the opportunity for the various parts of the NHS to get back to closer working
The article UNISON on changes at NHS England and NHS Improvement first...
UNISON highlighted the huge risks in these ambitious plans from the outset.
The article UNISON responds to NAO report on Capita and NHS England first appeared on the UNISON National site.
‘The agreement would mean an end at last to the government’s self-defeating and unfair 1% pay cap,’ says union.
The article UNISON puts major proposal for NHS pay to its members first appeared on...