Conference prepares for the organising challenge facing the union as government admits error of its ways on probation
The article ‘Don’t let them dim our lights’ first appeared on the...
UNISON calls for probation to be brought back into public sector as a reunified and locally run service
The article Chief inspector’s report ‘final nail in coffin of probation privatisation’...
NAO report shows failures of privatised probation contracts
The article Fix probation flaws by returning services to public ownership, says UNISON first appeared on the UNISON National site.
UNISON backs petition launched by We Own It for probation services in England and Wales to be brought back in house
The article Tell David Gauke to make probation public again first appeared on the...
Probation Alliance, including UNISON, writes to justice secretary David Gauke
The article It’s time to bring probation back as a public service, government told first appeared on the UNISON National...
Ministers bailed out the failing privatised companies to the tune of £342m. Yet they can’t find a penny to increase pay for probation staff.
The article UNISON and Napo probation workers in day of...
Employers walk away from ACAS talks - prompting new strike action on 14 September
The article Probation staff set for second strike in England and Wales first appeared on the UNISON site.