Government must get banks lending again to boost housing market

Responding to the Land Registry House Price Index released today (Monday) which reveals house prices in the North of England have been most affected by the recession, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: “The Land Registry House Price Index shows that continued problems with banks giving their customers credit and concerns about job losses are having a real impact on the housing market in the UK.

Deteriorating eye sight prompts fresh concern for the fate Iranian trade union leader, says Unite

Unite, together with Amnesty International, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the wider international trade union movement, has been actively campaigning for the release of Mansour Osanloo, the Iranian Bus Workers’ trade union leader, and his union deputy, Ebrahim Madadi since their arrest and imprisonment two years ago.

Labour Party issues conference credentials to women the Obama administration considers a “threat to US national securit

A Cuban women who has been refused a visa to enter the United States on ten separate occasions, most recently because she may pose a “threat to the safety or national security of the United States” will be mixing freely with British government ministers and speaking at a Free the Miami Five fringe meeting organised by Unite the Union at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton next week.

Unite criticises latest IBM pension scheme closure proposals as ‘pain for employees and gain for executives’

Unite, the UK’s largest union, has today criticised the latest IBM proposals announced to the workforce. This follows a backlash by thousands of IBM employees because of its proposals to close the final salary pension schemes to future accrual for existing employees and alter the terms of its early retirement scheme.