'The need for stability and reassurance has never been greater,' says Dave Prentis
The article Brexit top of UNISON agenda for TUC first appeared on the UNISON National site.
Government plan to replace Human Rights Act is 'the gravest threat to freedom in Britain since the Second World War'
The article Union will fight government’s proposed ‘bill of...
UNISON members continue the fight for fair pay and the real living wage
The article Government attack on public service pay ‘a disgrace’ first appeared on the UNISON National site.
UNISON members across the UK played a part in protecting their trade union rights.
The article The Trade Union Bill – how we campaigned for key changes first appeared on the UNISON site.
Commenting on the debate today (Wednesday) in the Commons that has seen the government accept many of the Trade Union Bill amendments made last week in the Lords, UNISON general secretary Dave...
Ministers have backed away from an outright ban on facility time across the UK’s public services
The article UNISON lobbying sees ministers move on facility time first appeared on the UNISON site.
'Now at least UNISON can concentrate on campaigning to protect public sector employees at work and the services they deliver'
The article Government withdraws plan to stop check-off for subs payment...
NEC hears update on Trade Union Bill and agrees EU referendum campaign
The article Members need a strong and focused union to help them survive ‘crisis after crisis’ first appeared on...
Peers vote for three key changes to the government's damaging trade union reforms
The article Lords inflict serious blow to the Trade Union Bill first appeared on the UNISON site.
UNISON members will rally in support of motions opposing the Trade Union Bill and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
The article Trade union rally outside Conwy council first...