Dave Prentis has today been re-elected as General Secretary of UNISON, the UK’s largest public sector union. Voting in the ballot was as follows: Roger Bannister 16,853 (12.6 per cent) John Burgess...
Revised summary of nominations
The article Sheffield Metropolitan branch general secretary nomination first appeared on the UNISON site.
UNISON president rebuts claims that the union is dominated by men
The article ‘UNISON has always stood up for women’ first appeared on the UNISON site.
National Executive Council makes decision on opening day of nomination period
The article UNISON’s NEC nominates Dave Prentis in general secretary election first appeared on the UNISON site.
UNISON's national executive council has agreed a general secretary election will take place this year
The article General secretary election 2015: advance notification first appeared on the UNISON...